Youtube Antler Farms Deer Antler Velvet Capsules Review


✅ Top Grade Deer - We kickoff with the highest quality ruddy deer. Our deer are carefully selected, naturally healthy, complimentary grazing herds raised in New Zealand's Canterbury Plains. Our deer live long, happy lives on our farms. No deer are ever harmed or killed.

✅ 75:1 Extract Ratio - Our deer antler spray and tablets are fabricated with an unmatched, highly concentrated 75:i excerpt. That means it takes 75 pounds of fresh velvet antler to make one pound of our excerpt - the strongest on the market.

✅ Innovatively Processed - Our extract is processed using an innovative, proprietary, confidential method designed to maintain its efficacy. Dissimilar other products, Antler Farms® deer antler velvet extract is made without the utilise of booze, other chemicals or heat.

✅ Growth Cistron Matrix - Our extract procedure preserves deer antler velvet's full growth factor matrix in its naturally occurring state. Simply by having the entire growth factor matrix can your body properly use them as they are meant to work together.

✅ High Bioavailability - We apply liposomal technology to boost the absorption of our extract. Taken sublingually, our deer antler velvet extracts take an enhanced bioavailability of up to 95%. The high absorption rate means quicker results and greater benefits.

What are the Benefits of Antler Farms® Deer Antler Velvet Extract?

The benefits of deer antler velvet excerpt comes from its powerful, bioavailable full growth factor matrix.

Growth factors are natural proteins that stimulate jail cell growth in the torso. Our unique extraction process preserves the full growth factor matrix in its naturally occurring state:

  • Insulin-similar growth gene (IGF) I
  • Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) II
  • Transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-A)
  • Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-B)
  • Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
  • Erythropoietin (EPO)
  • Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs)
  • Fibroblast growth factor (FGF)
  • Growth differentiation gene-9 (GDF9)
  • Interleukins
  • Nerve growth cistron (NGF) and other neurotrophins
  • Platelet-derived growth gene (PDGF)
  • Vascular endothelial growth factor

Each plays a specific and important role.

IGF-ane is the most well known growth factor. It is a powerful hormone that stimulates growth in most cells of the body, including skeletal muscle, cartilage, bone, nerves and pare.

Increasing the levels of IGF-i in the body has an anabolic effect. Information technology can increment the body's ability to build muscle, recover, and reduce fat.

Other growth factors include: transforming growth factors, which are associated with tissue regeneration, cell differentiation, and immune system regulation; epidermal growth factor, which plays an essential role in wound healing; bone morphogenetic proteins, which take multiple roles in skeletal developmentand regeneration; nerve growth factor, which is important in the development of nervus cells; and vascular endothelial growth factor, which promotes the growth of new blood vessels.

Contrary to popular belief, deer antler velvet's benefits are non derived solely from IGF-i.

Information technology is the presence and utilization of the full growth factor matrix that makes our production more than effective than products that isolate IGF-ane.

If an extraction process eliminates or minimizes other key elements, the deer antler velvet excerpt as a whole volition not work equally the human being body cannot process a singular growth cistron effectively without the others. This is overlooked by many companies and consumers, unfortunately, to their ain detriment. Information technology is VERY important that the entire growth factor matrix is present, as all are needed to act together.

Products that just comprise IGF-ane volition non have the efficacy as those with the total growth gene matrix in their naturally occurring ratios. That'south one of the reasons why people experience greater benefits with Antler Farms® deer antler velvet extract when compared to other companies' products.

Antler Farms® produces the world's strongest excerpt from summit class deer antler velvet.

Our deer antler velvet products begin with a robust herd of cherry deer in the green pastures of beautiful New Zealand. Because we are highly selective in our source, we do non buy from a collective similar most manufacturers. We get our deer antler velvet straight from our farms, at precisely the right time, when the nutritional content is at its meridian. By operating in this way, we know exactly who and where the deer antler velvet comes from, how our deer were raised, how the deer antler velvet was collected, and well-nigh imporantly can verify the quality of the raw materials.

Our 75:1 extraction process produces a highly concentrated, unmatched product.

Antler Farms® deer antler velvet extract is fabricated from fresh, raw velvet. Nosotros start with whole stick deer antler velvet and extract its abundance of growth factors to make a highly full-bodied product. It takes 75 pounds of raw deer antler velvet to brand one pound of Antler Farms® deer antler velvet extract.

Others claim to have loftier extract ratios, but a deeper look at their product shows otherwise. The truth is, it is extremely difficult to extract deer antler velvet'southward bioavailable growth factors without destroying them in the process. That's why other companies can't prove the growth gene content in their products and can't dislcose it in their supplement facts panels. (See beneath, Why Other Companies' Deer Antler Velvet Excerpt Doesn't Work.)

Antler Farms® uses an innovative process to create its deer antler velvet extract that does non use alcohol or heat.

Our deer antler velvet extract is made using a proprietary, confidential method. First, bioavailable growth factors are extracted from the raw velvet. Then, a purification procedure is performed to remove the insoluble calcium, an undesired and unusable component. Finally, we utilise a delicate procedure that increases the concentration and assimilation charge per unit of growth factors. Altogether, these step by step procedures have been meticulously crafted over fourth dimension to evangelize a product unlike whatsoever other in the current market place.

Through thirty years of inquiry, trial and mistake, and countless revisions, we accept developed this flagship production. Each step of the process is very complex, and precise execution is critically important in creating our accurate, loftier quality extract. No other company comes close.

Antler Farms® deer antler velvet extract has a high bioavailability of upwardly to 95%.

Our excerpt contains 100% natural, concentrated growth factors and is bachelor in liquid spray and tablet course. These products are taken sublingually, under the tongue, where the nutrients are speedily and efficiently captivated into the bloodstream. Using this liposomal delivery system, our products have an enhanced bioavailability of up to 95%.

We offer two potencies of deer antler velvet extract.

  • Deer Antler Spray contains 25,000 ng of IGF-i and the total growth factor matrix per bottle. Our deer antler spray is made past placing the extract into sterile h2o. Six additional ingredients are added – three of which are for flavor and iii of which are for excerpt stability. The three ingredients for flavoring are: stevia leaf, a natural sweetener derived from a plant; xylitol, a low calorie sugar excerpt; and, lemon extract. The three ingredients for excerpt stability are: glycerin, an organic lubricant that assists with oral absorption; citric acrid, a natural preservative; and, potassium sorbate; a preservative that extends the shelf life of the poly peptide fraction. The liquid is sealed in amber glass dropper bottles.

    The recommended dosage is 2 ml (two droppers daily) for competitive performance. Deer antler velvet extract liquid should be taken on an empty stomach, twice daily. The bottle should be shaken well before use. Place one dropper (ane squeeze of the bulb = i ml = about 20 drops) under the tongue and concord in mouth for 90 seconds before swallowing.

  • Deer Antler Velvet Extract Tablets contain 100,000 ng of IGF-one and the total growth factor matrix per bottle. To create our strongest product, the extract is formed into a mega-dose tablet using sodium bicarbonate, dicalcium phosphate, magnesium stearate, talc and cellulose. These ingredients are necessary to give the tablets their form, to hold and preserve the extract, and to requite them their dissolving properties. Natural stevia leaf and lemon excerpt are added for flavoring.

    The recommended dosage is 1 extract tablet daily for professional person performance. Deer antler velvet extract tablets should besides be taken on an empty stomach, one daily. Bite the tablet a few times to break it upwards, hold the pieces under the natural language and allow to dissolve, and then swallow.

Deer antler velvet's effects are gradual, cumulative and develop over time. Utilize deer antler velvet products on a consistent basis to receive the total benefits.

*Caution: Xylitol, a natural sweetener contained in our deer antler velvet extract, is toxic to dogs. Do non requite deer antler velvet extract to pets.*


Every deer antler velvet company claims that they accept the best, most potent product. Sadly, most companies take no basis for such a claim considering they sell products that tin can be proven to be completely ineffective. How tin can a consumer tell which products actually piece of work?

When evaluating deer antler velvet extract, i should examine the following:

  • Extract Ratio – what is the concentration of the excerpt?
  • Deer Antler Velvet Extract Content - how much excerpt is in the bottle?
  • IGF-one/Growth Factor Content - how much IGF-1/growth factors are in the bottle?

With these 3 pieces of information, 1 can go a sense of the quality and potency of a product. If Whatever these pieces of information are lacking, information technology was intentionally omitted past the company to hide the quality, or lack thereof, of their product.

Some companies avowal about their high extract ratio, or milligrams of deer antler extract, but do not country the IGF-1/growth factor content. That ways they do not state the main agile ingredient! This glaring omission should be a red flag for the consumer. Before ownership whatsoever product, check that the growth factor content is conspicuously printed on the label. This legally binds the company to the statement. It also presumably means that the content has been tested and verified by independent parties.

There are hundreds of deer antler velvet products on the market. Nonetheless, a majority of them come up from questionable sources and are processed with destructive methods. This combination results in flawed products with little to no growth gene content - in other words, they are products that volition non piece of work.


To produce a high quality product, the raw material must exist processed in a mode that preserves the growth factor content. Heat, alcohol and other chemicals are commonly used in traditional deer antler velvet processing methods. All of these can and exercise reduce the effectiveness of the product.

Virtually deer antler sprays/extracts on the market today are made by soaking deer antler velvet powder in booze. The alcohol draws out the bachelor nutrients and serves as a preservative. The solution is filtered to eliminate the residue, and so heated to partially or completely evaporate the booze, thus increasing the concentration of deer antler velvet extract. The extract is bottled in alcohol, water or other ingredients.

Using this method, typical extraction ratios are merely four:1 or v:ane. More than importantly, it is well known that heat compromises and damages deer velvet'due south active ingredients. It degrades the prized growth factors and the binding proteins, making the product less constructive. In other words, the very process that is used by our competitors to make their extract concentrations stronger are really making their products weaker.

Some manufacturers claim their deer antler spray is processed with a high excerpt ratio. Notwithstanding, independent lab tests showed the IGF-one content in their products is miniscule. Why? Because despite the large quantity of raw cloth used, poor processing methods take destroyed the growth factors and likely other beneficial nutrients in the deer antler velvet itself. A high excerpt ratio, without the proper means of preserving the nutrients extracted, is meaningless. As nosotros mentioned above, always brand certain that the growth factor content is disclosed on the characterization.

There are a few company'south products that actually exercise have the IGF-1 content as claimed. But these products practise not contain the full growth factor matrix. Considering IGF-1 requires the presence of the accompanying growth factors to be utilized past the human body, their deer antler sprays are rendered ineffective at best, or completely worthless at worst.

Finally, without a liposomal commitment arrangement, the growth factors can exist destroyed past stomach acids before being utilized by the body. Liposomes protect our extracts from the gastric organization andminor intestines, allowing the encapsulated active nutrients to exist efficiently delivered to the cells and tissues.

Click hither to purchase Antler Farms® Deer Antler Spray (Excerpt Liquid)

Click here to buy Antler Farms® Deer Antler Velvet Extract Tablets

See What is Deer Antler Velvet?
See How is Deer Antler Velvet Collected?
Encounter What are the Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet?


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